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#1 12-03-2011 19:24:40

Inscription : 12-03-2011
Messages : 2

iphone 4 et waypoints (ou repères) de google earth

Bonjour à tous,
Je cherche à exporter mes wayointe et routes depuis Google earth sur mon imac vers l'app google earth de mon iphone 4.
Quelqu'un pour m'aider.
Un grand merci d'avance.

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#2 26-03-2011 19:23:17

Inscription : 12-03-2011
Messages : 2

Re : iphone 4 et waypoints (ou repères) de google earth

J'ai trouvé la solution grâce au "Google earth help forum". La voici:

"You can do this by adding the placemarks to your "My Maps" in Google Maps, (not Google Earth). Right now, the ipad/iphone version of Google Earth doesn't allow direct import of placemark/kml files.

This is how I do it.
From Google Earth, save out the placemark files as ".kmz" files. To do one at a time, right click on the placemark, then choose "Save As". It will save the file ( you choose the location on your computer - I suggest a folder you make ahead of time)

If you want the placemarks to save as a group, create a Folder ( in Google Earth - go to top menu, ADD-->folder) then drag all the placemarks into the folder.

Right click on the Folder and choose "Save As", same as above, but this one file will contain ALL the placemarks.

======Go to Google Maps=====================
Go to Google Maps on the web ( not Google Earth) :
Click on "my maps" small link button at top of screen
Choose to "create new map"  ( these are personal maps done in Google Maps)
Click on tiny link "import"
Browse to the file/folder you saved in steps above...
Name it.
Save it.

========Now Back to the ipad/iphone version of Google Earth======

Click on the upper left button called "Layers"
scroll to bottom and choose My Maps

You will probably have to sign in to your Google Acct.
This will display any placemark files you have in Google Maps/ My Maps account. You will have to be connected to the internet for this, as it is just pulling in the content from your my maps."

Bien que ce soit en anglais, j'espère que cela vous ira.

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